NUWU Sessions: Tyler Elias describes why you need a HuniBadger Device!

"Welcome to NuWu Sessions, where we invite guests to enjoy one of our top-shelf table packages in Las Vegas' first and only cannabis consumption lounge: The Vegas Tasting Room. We are excited to have Tyler Elias of Huni Badger in today's episode. Watch as we learn how Huni badger came to be while trying their sister brand's Huni Labs products. It's only here on NuWu Sessions, so let's get into it!" 


About HuniBadger & HuniLabs

Huni Badger was founded in 2015, and their mission to set a new standard in the cannabis space has stayed the same. This standard came when they devoted grueling hours to designing a portable device that integrates superior functionality with the convenience of transportability without the need for torches and power cords. The final product was the Huni Badger Device, the first of its kind. This high-output portable device is powered by a single lithium-ion battery and is easily interchangeable. That means you'll get more hits of concentrate with fewer wait times! The Huni Badger (and their sister brand Huni Labs) has risen through the ranks of cannabis to be known as one of the most reliable concentrates brands in the market.


HuniLabs was established in 2020 as an avenue for Huni Badger to produce premium-quality cannabis concentrates. Based in Las Vegas, NV, Huni Labs teamed up with Aether Gardens to create this high-end concentrate brand and is committed to becoming the leader in brand development and research. Huni Labs is the perfect complement to Huni Badger, and the two brands have become a one-stop shop for all concentrate fans. Now let's dive into the interview to get to know the Huni Badger and Huni Labs Director of Sales, Tyler Elias, and how he earned his role at Huni Badger!


What sparked your early interest in cannabis?

Oh man, back problems. I grew up playing football and was put on painkillers at a young age. Which made me into a zombie. I hated it and then discovered weed, [which] made me more functional and able to eat because painkillers were killing my appetite. So, it was definitely a savior for me at a young age. And I've been smoking ever since. Definitely, pain management is my main thing. Everyone likes getting high, don't get me wrong, I like getting high, but I definitely also want to function. 


Were you a consumer before this pain? Since you started at a young age, what was that lightbulb moment?

It was the typical [experience]. I was hanging out with friends, and one of their older brothers had it and was like, "Hey, let's try this out." And then, once I realized what it could do for me, that was the awakening. It's more than just getting high. I can function and not just sit in pain all the time.

Is that still the goal for you, to be in this industry for medicinal purposes?

I definitely love the testimonies. We often get people who appreciate the brand and the product because of how much it saved them. And has done for them, especially in making potent cannabis more accessible. That's one reason I love the Badger, it just makes dabs so accessible, and dabs help more with pain than anything else. 

Flower's nice and cool, but sometimes it's a feat trying to sit there and pack a bowl, load it up, and then it's smelly. So, you get in and out with the Badger in under a minute. It made it more convenient, which is definitely the bigger drive. Medicinally it's great to hear people say how much it helps them in their daily lives.

What was your very first session like?

 Oh, man. So, you know how people say they didn't get high their first time? That didn't happen to me. I definitely got stoned because it was a bong, and back in the day, we called it "hydro." So I took a small hit, and I said I didn't feel anything, and they were like, "You got to pull it," so I did, and I was dying. I had instant red eyes, and I thought it was amazing. So I definitely got lit the very first time I smoked.  


Are you still smoking flower, or what does a daily session look like for you?

My girlfriend loves flower, so she makes sure it stays around. I'm a big dabber, I love my bongs, and I love a nice bong rip right in the morning. But nine times out of ten, I'm picking up the Badger and going straight to it. But yeah, I'm a daily dabber. I dab way too much. As a lot of people like to tell me. I notice more when I don't smoke. I can count the times that I haven't smoked more than the times that I have.

I could use a tolerance break. I function much better high, but I haven't not been high in so long. Usually, my tolerance breaks consist of me switching to [flower] for a week. The following week, I'll change back to concentrate and lower my tolerance that way.

Let's talk about how you got into the cannabis industry and started working for Huni Badger?

I used to work in the nicotine vape industry, and it just happened to be next door to HuniBadger. I met them back in 2017, and they had already been around for about two years going on three, and I didn't know how the world didn't know about them yet. I befriended them, met them, and said, "Hey, this is a really cool product." 

When I picked up the Huni Badger and started using it, I was blown away, and I was puzzled as to why they only had 5,000 followers on Instagram? I was involved in the nicotine vape industry's social media marketing and sales. So working with influencers was something I was already used to. So I started implementing many things we did over there, quit my job, and came on full-time at Huni Badger.  

I didn't dislike my previous job, but it wasn't my passion. I've always been a stoner, so I am passionate about cannabis. My mom uses it, and many of my family members use it for pain relief. That's why I wanted to find something I could advocate for, get passionate about, and stand behind. When I found Badger, it only made sense because I dab, and It's the most convenient device. I used to complain about the process and how long it took to take a simple dab, and I always wanted something to solve that problem. Then the Badger just got in front of my face, and I dove head first into learning about it, and I haven't looked back since.  

After finding the right company, what were the first steps into Huni Badger? 

At first, I fiddled with my foot in the water. I bought my device from them, tried it out, fell in love with it, and then they did trade shows, which I was used to doing in the nicotine vape industry. I asked them if I could help at trade shows, and since I have a great sales background, I'm good at talking to people. So, I started selling with them on the side and decided this was the next wave. This is something that will be big and can really blow up. So, I quit my job, joined Huni Badger the next day, and I've been there ever since. It's a fun environment, and sometimes a lot of people wear a lot of hats.


Can you describe your role at Huni Badger? 

I am the GM Sales Director, and I help around with a lot of the daily operations. I do a little bit of everything. I do all the trade shows. We have a social media guy Derek, who comes up with ideas, and I try to do what he tells me to do because I am the face of much of our social media content. It's a small team, so everyone pitches in and does everything they can. It's a team of six in a warehouse making it all happen. 

You work for Huni Badger, but Huni Labs entered the market around 2020?

We started the big launch for Huni Badger right at the beginning of the pandemic, which was interesting because everyone was dealing with so much at the time. It is interesting because since that brand launched, we'll get people who message us saying that Huni Labs is imitating Huni Badger. But we have to reassure them that it's us and not a knock-off brand.

So now we're a couple of years in, and how has the market received Huni Labs? 

It's been great. We're a local company. Huni Badger started here in Vegas, so we have a local following. Launching a concentrates brand like Huni Labs for the local people would be great. Our goal was to evolve the culture and the lifestyle behind it and team up with someone we could create a good product with, and it's been fun! We got so many people in town that have Huni Badgers. It's cool to have something tied to it.

I like what you guys have done with the branding and the holographic imagery. How did you guys land on that?

You know, our graphic designer, Brandon, is a beast. He does everything that comes out of our small team. So, we gave him an idea, and that's what he came up with. He did the accents and the holographic imagery, which reminds me of a Pokemon card.

Using the Huni Badger Device, it's effortless. It takes five clicks to turn it on. It takes 10 seconds to heat up, and then you consume your wax. It's the quickest device used. The best part is you don't need dabbing tools.   

How does it feel to be the first cannabis vaporizer to launch its cannabis brand?

I really didn't think about that. That's dope. I didn't think about it until you said it. With the Huni Badger, it's dope because you'll dab what you're trying to dab. It's not going to destroy the rest of your terpenes, and it doesn't overheat your product. That's one thing people complain about with other products. It's one of those devices that once you take a hit from it, you're like, "Okay, I get it."

On the Huni Labs side of things, do you have any particular favorite strains that you prefer?

We did make Mandarin Crescendo, which was freaking tasty. It had this weird, almost like starburst taste, and I was like, I don't know what is creating this combo, but it was tasty as hell. 

Do you have anything future plans or developments coming down the pipeline?

We actually do have a new affordable badger coming out. It's going to be hella dope, it's an affordable all-in-one badger, and it's going to be chargeable with a battery inside. It's just your everyday, convenient Badger. It will have our tip technology and be a dope device to use. We know the battery is expensive. Diving into the Badger and spending $189 on a divide is a very expensive feat for someone who wants to try something out. Especially if this is the first time they've tried this style of dabbing. So we wanted to make an introductory product that would only force customers to fully invest when they want to try it out. The good side is that we have something much better if they like this product and our dabbing style. It's affordable and convenient and should be out at the beginning of next year.

We also have a V02 [Version 02] coming out. People have been asking about this forever, and we've been around since 2015. But if it ain't broke, don't fix it. That's been my motto. Yet, at the same time, technology has come a long way, and there are many new things we can do, so we're going to do a V2. It is being worked on right now, prototypes are being played with, and it's closer to being done than the other product, but it's definitely in the works. 

What are your thoughts on federalization?

Some people don't want federalization, but I'm excited about federalization. I'm a massive supporter because I don't want people to go to jail for this. I went to prison for this. It was not cool or fun. So I don't think anyone should go to jail for using a plant, particularly this one. It's crazy that someone is making millions off this plant in one state, and in another, someone just lost their entire life because of it. 

It blows my mind that anyone would say no to federalization because it's free money. Cannabis is already in your state, and this is already being done. Take the free tax money, build some schools, build roads, and stop complaining. 

Why don't we shout out your team? You said it was a small team?

Yes, it's a six-person team. We have me, Brian, Brandon, Castro, Derrick, and our Brand Ambassadors, Bricia and Jojo. Oh, and we have Tomy, the guy who owns it. That's it. 


What would your words of wisdom be for the next generation if someone wanted to go down a similar path?

Try to learn from other people's mistakes and ask many questions. My grandpa instilled in me never to be afraid to ask questions as a kid. The worse thing someone can tell you is "no." Never be afraid to push the boundaries because if you don't, nothing will change. We will grow with people pressing and pushing forward in this industry and being bold to stand behind their ideas.


This has been another NUWU Sessions blog post, where we update you on all that's happening with the NUWU Sessions Podcast. Remember to follow Huni Badger & Huni Labs on Instagram, Youtube, Facebook, & TikTok, so you can find out when their latest products are entering the market.

Be one of the first to purchase the brand new MINI BADGER directly from the HuniBadger website!The device only costs $40 and is the most economic portable Dab Rig in the Market!

What products to buy for your new Huni Badger? Then check out all of our latest drops from Huni Labs right here at NUWU Cannabis Marketplace!