NUWU PRESENTS the National Cannabis Classic Domino Tournament & Fight Viewing Party

NUWU is proud to present an unforgettable evening of entertainment and camaraderie as we host the inaugural National Cannabis Domino Tournament. This event is tailored specifically for cannabis enthusiasts and entertainment lovers like you. If you love Dominos and Cannabis then join us on Saturday, July 29 for the hottest event this summer!


About the Event 🁭🂃🁹

About the Event 🁭🂃🁹

NUWU teamed up with the National Cannabis Domino Tournament (NCDT), known for its successful track record of over 100 tournaments and impressive prizes. With a commitment to innovation and fairness, the UDL has developed a cutting-edge tournament management system to ensure a transparent and thrilling experience for all players.

History will be made as players can partake in legal cannabis consumption while engaging in the timeless game of dominoes. Immerse yourself in a vibrant atmosphere where live music performances, vendors, raffles, DJs, giveaways, food trucks, and celebrity guest players await. With thousands of spectators and attendees anticipated, this event promises to be truly amazing.

Join us at NUWU and witness history in the making. This remarkable event promises to be an unforgettable evening, bringing together cannabis enthusiasts and entertainment lovers from all walks of life. Don't miss out on this exciting opportunity!

Event Details

  • Event Date: July 29, 2023

  • Event Starts: 6:00 PM

  • Location: 1235 Paiute Cir, Las Vegas, NV 89106

Cost of Admission

  • Domino Tournament Sign-up Cost -

    • Locals - $50.00

    • Out of State - $75.00   

NUWU Rules & Guidelines

  • No concealed weapons or large bags (fanny packs and small purses are allowed).

  • No outside cannabis (all products must be purchased in-store or in the Dab Bar).

  • Must show proof of ID to enter.

  • Must be 21 or older to enter.

  • No outside food or drinks.

  • No hoodies or hats.

  • No alcohol.

Domino Tournament Rules

Domino Tournament Rules:

  1. TOURNAMENT LIABILITY & CONSENT WAIVER - Players must sign the Tournament Liability & Consent Waiver to compete in the domino tournament.

  2. BE ON TIME - A player must be present and ready to begin his or her match as soon as the table and opponent are available. (If your opponent is not available at the time your match is called to begin play, notify the brackets table). If a player is not ready to begin play at the required time, the player’s name will be announced over the microphone. At that time, a judge will start a fifteen-minute countdown. If a player is not available to begin play at the end of the fifteen-minute countdown, his/her match will be forfeited to the opponent. If you have to leave the building, notify an official at the brackets table. Only an official at the bracket’s table may excuse you from the tournament.

  3. THE TIME LIMIT ON MATCHES will be exactly 30 minutes. Record the starting time at the top of the score sheet. Call for a judge after the first game if a game is progressing too slowly. The judge may reduce the points in the remaining games for the match to 100. A judge may also reduce points to 100 for additional matches until that bracket is no longer behind in play. (Those intentionally delaying the game will be warned. If slow play continues, the player playing too slowly may be disqualified from the tournament.)

  4. POINTS / COUNTS must be orally called before the next person plays, draws or passes. (Either partner may call the count.) SCORING will be done in multiples of 5 (150 points per game). MATCH is best 2 out of 3 (excluding the finals which is best of 5 games).

  5. DOMINO MATCHES will be played one-on-one with each player drawing 7 dominoes.

  6. OVERDRAWS OR UNDERDRAW - Both players are responsible for checking on underdraws or overdraws before play begins. A 50-point penalty will be imposed.

  7. DREW AND COULD PLAY - This is considered a bogus play and the game is over. The player that bogus played or passed and could play is disqualified from that game. The match continues if there are games remaining.

  8. PASSED AND COULD PLAY is considered a bogus play and the game is over. The player that bogus played or passed and could play is disqualified from that game. The match continues if there are games remaining. 

  9. CHEATING is not permitted by word, deed, or action Any suspected cheating should immediately be called to the attention of the floor judge. Do not wait until after the game or hand. Expulsion from the tournament will be the result of cheating.

  10. NO LOUD TALKING, USING PROFANITY, OR SLAPPING DOMINOES DOWN HARD ON THE TABLE. Those talking loudly, using profanity, or breaking dominoes will be required to pay for a new set and will be disqualified from the tournament. Spectators cannot talk among themselves or to players during a game.

  11. HIGHEST DOUBLE STARTS THE GAME - The first player to start the game is determined by shuffling the dominoes and drawing. The high draw wins the down. The person that doesn’t have the downer will shuffle each time. If the downer is not satisfied with the shuffle, he may ask for a reshuffle.

  12. DO NOT REARRANGE, FLASH, OR PICK UP DOMINOES - Once all 7 have been turned up in your hand. Once a domino clears the table, it is considered played.

  13. NO REDRAW OR RESHUFFLING is permitted due to voids in suits or too many doubles.

  14. ALL DOMINOES NOT IN THE SHUFFLE are the responsibilities of all players. If some are accidentally left out, they will be returned to the deck and reshuffled. If they are intentionally left out, the player that does that is disqualified from the tournament immediately.

  15. DOMINOES EXPOSED during the shuffle will be reshuffled.

  16. EXPOSED DOMINOES while drawing a hand will be accepted by the person exposing it.

  17. MISPLAYED DOMINO - If caught before the next person plays or passes, will be played elsewhere on the table, if it will play. If it does not play, it will be turned face-up on the table and played at the first opportunity by the person making the error. Prior to the next play, the player with the turned-up domino must play or pass. If the misplayed domino is not caught before the next person passes or plays, it will stand as a played domino.

  18. BOGUS PLAY - If the wrong double is played on the spinner and is not caught before the next player plays or passes, that double will stand as the spinner. If the wrong play is caught before the next player plays or passes, Rule #16 will apply.

  19. IF A PLAYER PLAYS OUT OF TURN the domino will be left face-up on the table and played at the first opportunity. 

  20. BLOCKED GAME results only after all the dominoes have been drawn and neither player can play. The lowest number of points gets the points in the opponent’s hand(s). (In the case of a tie, no one gets the points.


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